Guest Principals

Ernest Latypov

Born in Bishkek (Kyrgyz republic). In 2012 he graduated from the Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, studio of G. Selyutsky.

He has been a member of the Mariinsky ballet company since 2012 till 2017.

He took part in the following productions with the Mariinsky ballet company: classical duet in “Giselle” ballet; “La Sylphide” (James, young men); “La Bayadère” (Solor); “Swan Lake” (Siegfried, Prince’s friends); “Raymonda” (Béranger); “Don Quixote” (Basil); “Le Corsaire” (Ali, Lankendem); Fokine’s ballets “Le Spectre de la rose”, “Scheherazade” (Zobeide’s slave), “Carnival” (Arlequin); “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai” (Vaslav, young men, Chief of Guard); “Nutcracker” (Prince-Nutcracker, Negro; choreography by V. Vainonen); “Romeo and Juliet” (Troubadour), ballets by Leonid Yakobson “Spartacus” (Satyre), “Shurale” (Ali-Batyr); ballets by George Balanchine “Piano Concerto No. 2 (Ballet Imperial)”, “Jewels” (“Diamond”, “Rubies”); “A midnight’s summer dream” (Pas-de-deux of II act), “Symphony in C” (III Allegro vivace); Frederick Ashton’s ballets “Sylvia” (Slave, Pluto); Yuri Grigorovich’s ballet “A Legend of Love” (Ferkhad, his friends); Alexei Ratmansky’s ballets “The Little Humpbacked Horse” (Ivan the Fool), “Cinderella” (Summer); “Infra” (choreographed by Wayne McGregor); “Nutcracker” (Nutcracker-Prince, prod. by Mikhail Shemiakin); Anton Pimonov’s ballets “Bambi” (Bambi), “In the Jungle” (Bambi the Leader); “Russian Overture” (choreographed by Maxim Petrov), as well as pas-de-deux from “Le Corsaire”, pas-de-trois from “Die Puppenfee” ballet; “Without” (choreographed by Benjamin Millepied); “Prometheus” (choreography by Emil Faski), pas-de-deux from “The Talisman”, pas-de-trois from “Paquita”.

Since February 2018 – First ballet soloist with the Mikhailovsky theatre.

    Performed the following parts on the stage of the Mariinsky theatre:
  • Classical duet. Giselle by A. Adam (Choreography by Coralli, Perrot, Petipa)
  • James. La Sylphide by Løvenskiold (Choreography by Bournonville, revised by von Rosen)
  • Solor. La Bayadère by Minkus (Choreography by Petipa, revised by Ponomaryov/Chabukiani)
  • Siegfried. Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky (Choreography by Petipa, Ivanova, revised by Sergeyev)
  • Béranger. Raymonda by Glazunov (Choreography by Petipa, revised by Sergeyev)
  • Pas-de-deux. The Talisman by Drigo (Choreography by Petipa)
  • Basilio. Don Quixote by Minkus (Choreography by Gorsky, based on Petipa’s work)
  • Ali. Lankedem. Le Corsaire by A. Adam (Choreography by Gusev, based on Petipa’s work)
  • The Young Man. The Spirit of the Rose with music by Weber (Choreography by Fokin)
  • Zobeide’s slave. Scheherazade by Rimsky-Korsakov (Choreography by Fokin)
  • Arlequin from Schumann’s Carnaval (Choreography by Fokin)
  • Vaslav. The Fountain of Bakhchisarai by Asafiev (Choreography by Zakhsrov)
  • Nutcracker, Prince. Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky (Choreography by Vaynonen)
  • Trouvere. Romeo and Juliet by Prokofiev (Choreography by Lavrovsky)
  • Satyr. Spartacus by Khachaturyan (Choreography by Yakobson)
  • Ali-Batyr. Shuraleh by Yarullin (Choreography by Yakobson)
  • George Balanchin’s ballets: Tchaikovsky‘s Piano Concerto No. 2 (Ballet Imperial), Jewels (Emaralds, Rubies with music by Fauré, Stravinsky), A Midsummer Night's Dream by Mendelssohn (Pas de deux of II act), Symphony in Ñ with music by Bizet (III. Allegro vivace)
  • Slave, Pluto. Sylvia by Delibes (Choreography by Ashton)
  • Ferkhad, his friends. A legend of Love by Melikov (Choreography by Yury Grigorovich)
  • Alexey Ratmansky’s ballets: The Little Humpbacked Horse by Shchedrin (Ivan the Fool), Prokofiev’s Cinderella (Summer)
  • Infra with music by Richter (Choreography by McGregor)
  • Nutcracker, Prince. Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker (Choreography by Simonov, production by Shemyakin)
  • Bambi, Bambi by Golovin (Choreography by Pimonov), Old Leader. In the Jungle by Lokshin (Choreography by Pimonov) and other.
  • Winner of the Moscow International Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers (III prize, 2013)
  • Winner of XIII Open Russian Ballet Dancers Competition “Arabesque - 2014” named after Ekaterina Maksimova: II prize for ballet dancers (male artists); II prize for performance of contemporary choreography
  • Winner of the Moscow International Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers (II prize, 2017)
  • Winner of “The Soul of the Dance” award by the “Ballet” magazine in the category “Rising star” (2014)

Coming soon

Le Corsaire
ballet in three acts